Caesarea Harbor Vaults Project

in cooperation with The Caesarea Development Corporation & The Israeli Nature and Park Authority & The Israeli Antiquities Authority

"Directly opposite the harbor entrance, upon a high platform, rose the 'Temple of Caesar', remarkable for its beauty and its great size. In it stood a colossal statue of Caesar, not inferior to that of Zeus at Olympia, and one of the Goddess Roma, equal to the Argive statue of Hera". (Flavius Josephus in the Jewish War (1.415))

The Vaults in the ancient port of Caesarea are part of the " Roma and Augustus Temple " that was constructed in the First Century by King Herod in honor of Augustus Caesar.  The Temple stands high on an artificial  podium, overlooking the entire city. Over the years, important religious monuments  have been built on this podium.

The restoration and development of some of the Vaults are completed, and we invite you to visit the New Visitors' Center.

The Temple stairway will expose the impressive remains of the podium and the magnificent Temple, and will be incorporated in the tours at the site in the near future.


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